Who we are and what we do
Bakewell Town Council has 9 elected members each of who serve a four year term. At the end of their term Councillors may stand for re-election. Traditionally the Town Council is not party political.
The Town Council generally meets on the first Monday of the month. Details of all Town Council meetings can be found on our calendar of meetings.
Meetings are held in the Council Chamber. Access from the front of the building is generally level and flat although there is a slight slope up to the inner doors. The Council Chamber is located on the first floor and a lift is available. From the lift to the Council Chamber access is level and flat.
The Clerk's Office is located at Town Hall, The Square, Bakewell DE45 1BT. Access from the front of the building is generally level and flat although there is a slight slope up to the inner doors.
Town Council Elections
The last Town Council elections were held in May 2023 at which eight candidates were elected unopposed. Subsequently one member was co-opted to the Council.
Councillors attain office through election or co-option. If you would like to find out more about the role of a Councillor please contact the Town Clerk
- Councillors
A list of our members along with the committees and other bodies they serve on.
In addition to full Council meetings Bakewell Town Council has one Committee to support its work;
Staff Committee
Terms of reference: To make recommendations to Council on staffing issues. No delegated powers.
Method of reporting to Council: Verbal or written reports.
Membership: Cllr Helen Garvey, Cllr Alyson Hill, Cllr Paul Miller, Cllr Bill Storey
Members Code of Conduct
2017-05-15 Code of Conduct (PDF, 213 Kb)
Code of Conduct
Standing Orders
Standing Orders 2024-25 (PDF, 491 Kb)
Standing Orders 2024-25
Local Procedures 2024-25 (PDF, 690 Kb)
Local Procedures
Town Clerk
The Town Clerk, who is also the Town Council's Responsible Financial Officer, can be contacted by email or telephone. The Clerk's Office is open on an appointment basis on Wednesdays, or at other times by arrangement.
Check out our FAQs page for the answers to our most commonly asked questions.
John Rowe
Town Clerk & Responsible Financial Officer
- Address
- Clerk's Office
Town Hall
The Square
DE45 1BT - Telephone
- 01629 813 525
- townclerk@bakewelltowncouncil.gov.uk